About the Department
The subject Political Science was introduced as a General course in 1978 and Honours course in 1983. Since then the Dept is catering the academic needs with multidisciplinary approaches taking into account the actualities in a rural environment. The students of Political Science have ample opportunities in establishing themselves both in academic and other competitive examinations if they nurture their intellect with sincerity. The syllabus of Political Science under the CBCS system introduced from the year 2017 - 18 and currently the new syllabus introduced under CCFUP are mostly updated and accommodated new trends in different spheres of Political studies including the global order itself. The Dept is now well-equipped with one Associate Professor, three Assistant Professors and four State Aided College Teachers (SACT). The faculty members interact with the students of different semesters from time to time in unfolding the challenging discourses both inside and outside the classrooms. As two types of syllabus are presently in vogue, so more interaction among the colleagues with the students is to be encouraged further.