Details of Papers Published by Dr. S. K. Basak
1. Ray, K., Basak, S.K., Giri, C.K. et al. Ecological restoration at pilot-scale employing site-specific rationales for small-patch degraded mangroves in Indian Sundarbans. Scientific Reports 14, 12952 (2024).[Impact factor: 4.6]
2. Mondal S, Biswas B, Chowdhury R, Sengupta R, Mandal A, Kotal HN, Giri CK, Ghosh A, Saha S, Begam MM, Mukherjee C, Das I, Basak SK, Mitra Ghosh M and Ray K. Estuarine mangrove niches select cultivable heterotrophic diazotrophs with diverse metabolic potentials—a prospective cross-dialog for functional diazotrophy. Front. Microbiol. 15:1324188 (2024). doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2024.1324188[Impact factor: 5.2]
3. Sarkar B, Kotal HN, Giri CK, Mandal A, Hudait N, Madhu NR, Saha S, Basak SK, Sengupta J and Ray K. Detection of a bibenzyl core scaffold in 28 common mangrove and associate species of the Indian Sundarbans: potential signature molecule for mangrove salinity stress acclimation. Front. Plant Sci. 14:1291805 (2024). doi: 10.3389/fpls.2023.1291805[Impact factor: 5.6]
4. Mst Momtaj Begam, Rajojit Chowdhury, Tapan Sutradhar, Chandan Mukherjee, Kiranmoy Chatterjee, Sandip Kumar Basak & Krishna Ray. Forecasting mangrove ecosystem degradation utilizing quantifiable eco-physiological resilience -A study from Indian Sundarbans. Scientific Reports 10, 6683 (2020).[Impact factor: 5.133]
5. RajojitChowdhury, TapanSutradhar ,Mst. MomtajBegam, Chandan Mukherjee, KiranmoyChatterjee, Sandip Kumar Basak, Krishna Ray. Effects of nutrient limitation, salinity increase, and associated stressors on mangrove forest cover, structure, and zonation across Indian Sundarbans. Hydrobiologia, 2019. 842(1),191-217. [Impact factor: 2.694]
6. Mst. M Begam, T. Sutradhar, R. Chowdhury, C. Mukherjee, S. K. Basak, K. Ray. Native salt-tolerant grass species for habitat restoration, their acclimation and contribution to improving edaphic conditions: a study from a degraded mangrove in the Indian Sundarbans.Hydrobiologia (2017) 803(1):373-387. DOI 10.1007/s10750-017-3320-2. ISSN: 0018-8158 [Impact factor: 2.694]
7. C. Mukherjee , R. Chowdhury , T. Sutradhar, M. Begam, S. M. Ghosh ,Sandip Kumar Basak , K. Ray. Parboiled rice effluent: A wastewater niche for microalgae and cyanobacteria with growth coupled to comprehensive remediation and phosphorus biofertilization. Algal Research 19 (2016) 225–236. DOI: ISSN: 2211-9264. [Impact factor: 4.401]
8. Basak S. K., Maity D. &Maiti.G. G. Bioprospecting of fodder plant resources for domestic animals of Kurseong Hills, Darjeeling, West Bengal-Pleione, 4(2): 294-306. 2010. ISSN No. 0973-9467
9. Love A., Naik D. , Basak S. K., Babu S., Pathak N. &Babu C. R. Variability in Foliar Essential Oils among Different Morphotypes of Lantana Species Complexes, and Its Taxonomic and Ecological Significance – Chemistry and Biodiversity, 6: 2263-2274, 2009. ISSN No. : 1612-1872. [Impact Factor: 2.408]
10.Basak, S.K.&Maiti, G.G. A new subspecies of PrimulamunroiLindl. from the Eastern Himalaya – P. munroi ssp. schizocalyx – Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica, China (Journal of Systematics and Evolution since 2008), 39 (5): 473-475, 2001. ISSN No.: 1674-4918 (Print)1759-6831(Online).[Impact Factor: 4.098]
11.Basak, S.K. & Maiti, G.G. Seed morphology of Primulacapitata Hook. complex (Primulaceae) from the Eastern Himalaya – Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany, 24(1): 107-114, 2000. ISSN No.: 2050-9768
12. Basak, S.K.&Maiti, G.G. A new Primula from the Eastern Himalaya – Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany, 23(3): 699-702, 1999. ISSN No.: 2050-9768
13. Basak, S.K.&Maiti, G.G. Primula arunachalensis sp. nov. (Primulaceae) from the Eastern Himalaya – Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica, Japan, 51(1): 11-15, 2000. ISSN No. : 1346-7565 [Impact Factor: 0.535]
14. Basak, S.K. Cardaminem acrophylla Willd.: A little known wild edible herb of the Eastern Himalaya. Envis News Letter, Botanical Survey of India, Vol. 6, 1999. ISSN-0974-1992
15.Basak, S.K. “The Himalayan Ginseng” – Panaxpseudoginseng Wall. Envis News Letter, Botanical Survey of India, Vol. 5, 1998. ISSN-0974-1992
Details of Books Authored/Edited:
1. The Genus PrimulaL. in India (A Taxonomic Revision) : Book for taxonomic research
Authors: Sandip Kumar Basak, GourgopalMaiti&Prabhat Kumar Hajra (2014) ISBN No.13: 978-81-211-0491-3. Internationally published by Bishen Singh &Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehradun, India, Vedam Books of India and Koeltz Botanical Books, Germany.
2. Glimpses of Nature, 3 Motilal Nehru Place, Lutyens Delhi. An illustrated booklet on the gardens of Chief Minister’s official residence
S. K. Basak, A. Love, F. A. Khudsar, M. Faisal, S. Babu, T. K. Roy and B. C. Sabata (First edition, 2007; Second edition 2008).
First edition, 2007. Published jointly by Department of Environment & Forests, Govt. of NCT of Delhi and Centre of Excellence Program, CEMDE, University of Delhi;
3. Basak, S.K. & Maiti, G.G. Seed Morphology of Primula L. sect. PetiolaresPax (Primulaceae) of the Himalayas of Indian region. Perspective of Plant Biodiversity, 317-328. 2002 (Bishen Singh &Mahendra Pal Singh Publisher) ISBN No.8121102987
Details of Papers Published by Dr. K. M. Hasib